2007 Middle East - Telecoms Mobile & Broadband in The Mediterranean & Levant countries

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Last updated: 4 Jul 2007 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 180

Analyst: Stephen McNamara

Publication Overview

The Mediterranean and Levant countries include:- Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey. This annual report offers a wealth of information on trends and developments in telecommunications, mobile, Internet, broadband. Subjects include:

  • Market and industry analyses, trends and developments
  • Facts, figures and statistics
  • Industry and regulatory issues
  • Research, Marketing, Benchmarking
  • Major Players, Revenues, Subscribers
  • VoIP

Executive Summary

BuddeComm’s latest Middle East Annual Publication, ‘2007 Telecoms, Mobile and Broadband in the Mediterranean and Levant countries of the Middle East’, profiles countries with a wide range of development in their use of telecommunications services. Israel is one of the most advanced telecommunications markets in the world with very high broadband and mobile penetration rates. At the other end of the scale Syria has low mobile and Internet penetration and negligible broadband penetration.

Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Turkey have all benefited greatly from comparatively well developed regulatory systems and competitive markets resulting in strong investment in telecommunications. Syria and Lebanon however have little competition in their markets resulting in a lack of development. This report gives a concise overview of liberalisation and privatisation in the six countries.

Key Highlights

  • An independent regulatory authority was established in Lebanon in early 2007 after long delays. Plans have been discussed for the privatisation of the mobile operators but will probably require some resolution of the political stalemate before they can be implemented. For more information, see chapter 4.8.2, Page 104.
  • Turkey’s telecoms regulatory framework has been amended to conform to the EU’s regulatory framework for communications. For more information, see chapter 6.3, page 122.
  • Israel one of the highest broadband household penetration rates in the world, approaching 70% of households in early 2007. This is due to intense competition, universal service regulations and geographical benefits. For more information, see chapter 2.7.1, page 56.
  • Lebanon introduced DSL services in May 2007 after a very long wait. The considerable pent up demand should result in fast-growing subscriber numbers if infrastructure can meet demand. For more information, see chapter 4.6.5, page 100.
  • Jordan has very high mobile penetration for its level of GDP per capital and continues with strong growth. This is the result of ferocious competition between mobile operators. For more information, see chapter 3.9.1, page 85.
  • A tender for a third Egyptian mobile licence attracted a very high price reflecting the importance of the mobile sector in the region, Egypt’s large population and its relative low penetration rates. With Egypt’s low ARPU levels return on investment will be low for some time. For more information, see chapter, page 34.
  • Israel’s saturated mobile market, achieved without mobile number portability, has caused operators to focus on mobile data as a source of revenue growth. 3G subscriber numbers are increasing but have been slow to take off. For more information, see chapter 2.9.6, page 71.

Mobile penetration and annual growth - 2007

Country Penetration Annual Growth
Egypt 27% 52%
Israel 132% 7%
Jordan 70% 33%
Lebanon 28% 9%
Syria 24% 54%
Turkey 73% 19%
(Source: BuddeComm based on industry data)

For those needing high level strategic information and objective analysis on this region, this report is essential reading and gives further information on:

  • Government policies affecting the telecoms industry;
  • Telecoms operators – new licences, acquisitions and competition;
  • Internet and broadband development and growth;
  • The fast growing mobile markets of the region;
  • Mobile application and content developments.

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