Last updated: 1 Nov 2019 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 66
Analyst: Henry Lancaster
Slovakia’s mobile market is served by four mobile network operators. Two of these are the local units of operators with a pan-European reach (Deutsche Telekom and Orange Group) while O2 Slovakia was once the local unit of Telefónica Group before being sold to an investment group. c. The introduction of mobile number portability in 2006 intensified competition between players. However, the MVNO sector remains underdeveloped, with the few operators in place having failed to gain traction and thus holding only a marginal share of the overall market.
Mobile broadband access and content services are developing rapidly in line with operators having upgraded their networks with LTE technologies. The regulator has prepared the groundwork for 5G services, encouraging network operators to refarm spectrum to create more continuous blocks. Concessions in the 3.5GHz band have been issued, allowing for the launch of 5G services, though operators are keen to secure spectrum in the 700MHz band which the regulator aims to auction before the June 2020 deadline as determined by the Europe-wide schedule aimed at coordinating the availability of 5G services across the Union.
This report offers insight into Slovakia’s mobile market, providing a variety of statistics as well as profiles of the mobile network operators. It also covers regulatory issues as well as developments in LTE, 5G and mobile data services.
T-Mobile Slovakia (Slovak Telekom), Orange Slovakia, O2 Slovakia
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