Last updated: 21 Oct 2024 Update History
Report Status: Current
Report Pages: 187
Analyst: Henry Lancaster
Algeria has a steadily developing telecom infrastructure, with growth in the sector having been encouraged by supportive regulatory measures and by government policies aimed at delivering serviceable internet connections across the country. There are several projects underway to realise the government’s digital transformation ambitions. These include investments in more international telecom cables, developing payment platforms, improving e-health and e-government services, and expanding the reach of fibre networks.
Mobile broadband is largely based on 3G and LTE. Developments on 5G have been slow thus far, though the government has acknowledged that the country risks falling behind and has thus looked at releasing suitable spectrum. In preparation for this the three MNOs – Mobilis, Djezzy and Ooredoo Algeria –have worked to develop 5G with vendors, with a view to launching commercial services as soon as they receive licenses.
Fixed internet speeds remain slow, and the country ranks poorly in international tables. Some effort is ongoing to address this, with the government having pressed Algérie Télécom to increase the minimum rate available from 4Mb/s to 10Mb/s. In response to the increased investment in fibre networks, the number of DSL connections has begun to decline while the number of fibre subscribers has increased rapidly since 2022.
Intensifying price competition between the MNOs together with taxes on voice and data services, have had a negative effect on operator revenue. The difficult operating climate encouraged VEON to sell its entire share in Djezzy in mid-2022, allowing it to focus on its more profitable markets. The sale meant that the state now has a controlling interest in two of the country’s three MNOs, which together had a 74.4% share of the mobile market by subscribers as of March 2024.
Algérie Télécom (Mobilis), Optimum Telecom Algérie (Djezzy), Wataniya Telecom (Nedjema, Ooredoo), Djaweb, EEPAD, Swan Informatique, IcosNet, Smart link Communication
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