Last updated: 30 Oct 2018 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 105
Analyst: Henry Lancaster
Publication Overview
This report provides a comprehensive overview of trends and developments in Slovakia’s telecommunications market. The report analyses the fixed-line, mobile and broadband sectors. Subjects include:
Researcher:- Henry Lancaster
Current publication date:- October 2018 (16th Edition)
Executive Summary
Despite market liberalisation Slovakia’s incumbent telco Slovak Telekom maintains a near monopoly of the fixed-line market. Market competition has forced a number of mergers and acquisitions in recent years, resulting in a small number of larger operators.
The broadband market has shown steady growth in recent years, with effective competition between the DSL, cable and fibre platforms. DSL remains the dominant technology while the cable sector is particularly strong in urban areas. A fast-developing FttX infrastructure has been supported by sympathetic regulatory measures. There are also wireless broadband options from the mobile network operators, as also LTE-based fixed-wireless services from Orange Slovakia and Slovak Telekom aimed at providing broadband to areas lacking DSL.
The mobile market is served by four mobile network operators, three of which have a pan-European reach. Mobile penetration is relatively high, at about 132% by mid-2018. The introduction of mobile number portability in 2006 intensified competition between players. However, the MVNO sector remains underdeveloped, with the few operators in place having failed to gain traction and thus holding only a marginal share of the overall market.
Mobile broadband access and content services are developing rapidly in line with operators having upgraded their networks with LTE technologies. The regulator since early 2018 has prepared the groundwork for 5G services, encouraging network operators to refarm spectrum to create more continuous blocks, and readying itself for an auction of spectrum in the 1800MHz band.
This report outlines Slovakia’s fixed-line telecoms market, providing an overview of the regulatory environment, profiles of the major operators, and a range of operational and financial statistics. The report also covers the mobile market voice and data markets, providing statistics and profiles of the mobile network operators as well as an assessment of regulatory issues and developments in LTE, 5G and mobile data services. In addition the report reviews the fixed-line and wireless broadband markets, including subscriber forecasts.
Slovak Telecom, Orange Slovakia, UPC Slovakia, T-Mobile Slovakia (Slovakia Telekom), Orange Slovakia, O2 Slovakia.
Henry Lancaster
October 2018
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