Last updated: 4 Nov 2015 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 62
Analyst: Henry Lancaster
Publication Overview
This report provides a comprehensive overview of trends and developments in Slovenia’s telecommunications market. The report analyses the mobile, internet, broadband, digital TV and converging media sectors. Subjects include:
Researcher:- Henry Lancaster
Current publication date:- November 2015 (14th Edition)
Executive Summary
Slovenia’s communications market is dominated by Telekom Slovenije. In a bid to help reduce debt the newly elected government confirmed in early 2015 that it would complete the privatisation of the telco, though only the investment fund Cinven has emerged as a bidder, and the process to sell the State’s 72% interest in the incumbent was called off in mid-year.
In the overall telecom market, regulatory intervention has improved market conditions for competitors. Access fees, based on regulator-approved pricing models, continue to trend downwards and as a consequence the wholesale market is improving. In response to competition Telekom Slovenije has followed the path of many European incumbents and expanded internationally, focusing predominantly on the Balkans region and morphing into a regional provider of IT and multimedia services rather than a national telco.
Slovenia’s competitive mobile market has four mobile network operators. There are only a few mobile virtual network operators, two of which were acquired by their host networks during 2015. This reflects the difficulty of making headway in a market of only two million people. Market players have shifted their focus to the fixed-line sector in a bid to offer bundled services, and to capitalise on their investments in delivering mobile broadband. The regulator has addressed the need of mobile operators for more spectrum, providing additional concessions and holding a significant multi-spectrum auction.
The broadband market continues to be dominated by a small number of operators, and despite the launch of competing platforms DSL remains the most popular access method. Nevertheless, its market share is being eroded by the steady development of FttX networks. Increased internet usage and activity characterises the emerging internet society, comprised of e-government, e-commerce and e-health. Digital TV availability is expanding via cable, IPTV, satellite and terrestrial free-to-air platforms, increasing competition and choice for end consumers, while Slovenia was among the first countries in Europe to switch from analogue to digital terrestrial broadcasting.
This report offers a variety of statistics and an overview of Slovenia’s fixed-line telecoms market, covering the major players, regulatory developments and fixed-line infrastructure. The report also provides data on the fixed, fixed-wireless and mobile broadband markets, including forecasts to 2020. Developments in the mobile sector are also covered, including updates on operators and regulatory measures.
Key developments:
Companies mentioned in this report:
Si.Mobil, Mobitel, Tušmobil, T-2, Debitel, Telekom Slovenije, Telemach, Amis Telekom, Serbia Broadband, Tuštelekom
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