Last updated: 25 Feb 2014 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 173
Analyst: Henry Lancaster
Publication Overview
This report provides a comprehensive overview of trends and developments in Germany’s telecommunications market. The report analyses the mobile, internet, broadband, digital TV and converging media sectors. Subjects include:
Key developments:
Telecom market revenue showing continued contraction; DT acquires GTS Central Europe, expands interest in fixed-line infrastructure; Telekom pursues DSL vectoring strategy; fixed-telephony interconnection rates set to 2014; Orange and Telekom joint procurement venture comes on-stream; O2’s acquisition of KPN’s mobile unit E-Plus evaluated by the EC; Vodafone acquires KDG for €7.7 billion; TD forms separate FttP division; TD signs deal with Fon Wireless to expand WiFi network; spectrum auctions to release sub-GHz band for mobile broadband; new MTRs proposed; TD trials LTE 4×4 MIMO to provide up to 250Mb/s; O2 launches urban LTE service; m-ticketing developments; regulator opens consultation for use of 900MHz and 1800MHz bands for post-2016; TD plans €2.5 billion network investment to address future mobile data traffic; Vodafone launches cloud service; MNOs step up m-payments platform; regulator's mid-2013 market data; VATM 2013 market data analysis; telcos’ operating and financial data to Q4 2013; market developments to early 2014.
Companies covered in this report include:
Telekom Deutschland, Vodafone, E-Plus, Freenet, CallMobile, O2, United Internet, Tiscali, Freenet, Telefónica, QSC, Kabel BW, Kabel Deutschland, Unitymedia, PrimaCom, The Cloud, Energie Baden-Wurttemberg, BT Global Services, Tele2, ARD, ZDF, RTL Group, Sky Deutschland.
Researcher:- Henry Lancaster
Current publication date:- February 2014 (12th Edition)
Executive Summary
Germany has Europe’s largest telecom market, supported by an affluent population of about 82 million. Both the fixed network and broadband markets are dominated by Telekom Deutschland (TD), though a number of significant players including freenet/Debitel, Vodafone, Telefónica and E-Plus have gained market share.
In the broadband market, the dominant DSL platform is being reinvigorated by TD’s focus on vectoring technology, though it continues to invest in fibre. This strategy is aimed at competing with cablcos while also reaching the government’s broadband targets for 2020. The greatly consolidated cable sector has invested in extensive network upgrades, offering widespread 200Mb/s services and the expectation of commercial services offering up to 400Mb/s. Faster broadband services are creating demand for new bundled offers while intense competition has seen prices fall dramatically.
The mature mobile market generates the largest proportion of revenue in the sector. In common with most markets the main area of growth is in the fast-developing 4G sector. The market is dominated by TD and Vodafone, though the acquisition of E-Plus by Telefónica, subject to regulatory clearance, would create a triopoly of MNOs with a roughly equal share of subscribers between them. An increasing number of resellers has fuelled competition and placed pressure on tariffs, resulting in lower ARPU. Regulatory pressure on voice roaming as well as termination rates will encourage operators to further step-up their development of data applications to improve profits.
The German mobile data market has enormous potential for growth following massive investments by operators to upgrade networks supporting mobile data services. The regulator anticipated future growth in coming years by auctioning spectrum in the 1.8GHz and 2.6GHz bands, as well as refarming spectrum below 1GHz for use by mobile broadband. Operators have fast-tracked the development of data-rich applications to improve profit margins as voice ARPU continues to fall in response to competition from resellers and regulatory measures on roaming and termination rates.
This report introduces the key aspects of the German telecom market, providing comprehensive data on fixed network infrastructure as well as on key regulatory developments including the status of interconnection, local loop unbundling, number portability, and carrier preselection. It profiles the major operators, and details the development of Next Generation Networks and the battle between the EC, the government and the incumbent on NGN access. The report also provides statistics and analyses on the mobile market, including an overview of the main operators together with 3G subscriber and mobile ARPU forecasts to 2015. It assesses the development of mobile data services and technologies including HSPA and LTE, as well as operator strategies to exploit data revenue in coming years. The fixed-line and wireless broadband markets are assessed, noting the various platforms including vectoring DSL, FttP, powerline broadband, cable wireless broadband, WiFi and internet via satellite. It notes the economic pressures which are encouraging major players to deploy vectoring technologies as an interim measure.
Data in this report is the latest available at the time of preparation and may not be for the current year
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