Last updated: 2 Jun 2009 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 48
Analyst: Peter Lange
Publication Overview
This report provides 126 statistical tables showing trends and developments in the telecommunications markets of the 38 most significant African countries in terms of telecommunications. Statistics are given up to 2008.
Current publication date:- June 2009 (7th Edition)
Next publication date:- June 2010
Executive Summary
Growth in
Most African countries now have commercial DSL services, but their growth is limited by the poor geographical reach of the fixed-line networks. The rapid growth of Internet access has therefore been mostly confined to the capital cities so far. The introduction of mobile data and 3G broadband services is changing this, with the mobile networks bringing Internet access to many areas outside of the main cities for the first time.
Many fixed-line incumbents have reacted by rolling out fixed-wireless access networks. The technology of choice has been CDMA2000 which supports broadband data rates through its EV-DO standard. WiMAX technology, however, offers higher data rates and is quickly gaining ground in Africa with over 100 networks already in operation.
International bandwidth is extremely expensive in
Data in this report is the latest available at the time of preparation and may not be for the current year.
The following notes provide some background to our scenario forecasting methodology:
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