Last updated: 11 Dec 2018 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 56
Analyst: Henry Lancaster
Greece’s telecoms market has suffered from tough economic conditions in recent years, leading to lower sector revenue and investment. Operators across the board have seen gross profits tumble year after year, and the continuing economic turmoil will make market conditions particularly difficult during the next few years. The dominant player remains the incumbent telco OTE, which has experienced significant challenges but is supported by the organisational ability and financial clout of its parent Deutsche Telekom, which now owns a 45% stake in the company.
The telecom regulator EETT has shown increasing success in promoting competition, with local loop unbundling well utilised to deliver competing fixed-line services. Promoting competition has become one of the EC’s conditions for Greece’s financial bailouts.
This report introduces the key aspects of the Greek fixed-line telecoms, wholesale and IT market, outlining the regulatory environment, assessing the major players and providing relevant operational data and financial statistics on both the operators and the market.
OTE (Cosmote), Forthnet (Nova), Wind Hellas, On Telecoms, Tellas.
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