Last updated: 28 Jan 2020 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 97
Analyst: Henry Lancaster
Austria’s competitive mobile market is dominated by the three operators 3 Austria, Magenta Telekom (T-Mobile Austria) and Telekom Austria’s own unit A1. However, the market also benefits from a growing number of new entrants in the MVNO sector, which collectively have about 7% of the market by subscribers. The growth in the MVNO sector is partly due to regulatory concessions by which 3 Austria, as a condition of its take-over of Orange Austria, was obliged to provide a third of its network capacity to support up to 16 MVNOs.
The competitive environment has led to relatively low ARPU for operators, as well as some of the region’s lowest tariffs for consumers. The operators’ LTE networks have benefited from regulatory measures which have allowed operators to refarm existing 2G and 3G spectrum for LTE, while spectrum in the 700MHz has also been set aside for mobile broadband use once this band is released from broadcasters.
In March 2019 the regulator concluded an auction of spectrum in the 3.4-3.6Hz range to be used for 5G services. Investment among MNOs has been focussed on 5G, and by early 2020 5G services were available in a large number of localities. A multi-spectrum auction planned for mid-2020 will include blocks in the 700MHz band. The regulator has engineered the auction to promote coverage rather than generate maximum revenue.
H3 Austria, Telekom Austria (A1), Magenta Telekom (T-Mobile Austria), Orange Austria, Tele2, Mundio, Lycamobile, Yesss!, M:Tel Austria, Hofer Telekom.
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