Last updated: 6 Jun 2019 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 39
Analyst: Henry Lancaster
The Austrian fixed-line broadband market is dominated by the DSL sector, while the cable broadband sector has held a steady share of about a third of connections. The fibre sector was slow to develop, but in recent years there has been greater effort among telcos to develop infrastructure and promote the take-up of bundled services.
Magenta Telekom (UPC Austria) continues to invest in DOCSIS3.1 technology, which it has made available to a number of cities across the country. The company, which incorporated T-Mobile Austria, has strengthened its ability to provide a full range of mobile and fixed-line services, and so better compete in the market. Telekom Austria has also invested in to supplement high-bandwidth connectivity in areas where it has not prioritised fibre. Although fibre penetration remains low, with the platform having less than 2% market share of subscribers, there is considerable vigour among operators to build out network infrastructure: Telekom Austria is in the process of extending its fibre infrastructure to additional 300,000 premises, affecting some 500 towns. Ongoing investment in the sector suggests stronger growth in coming years, and as a result the number of DSL lines is expected to fall as customers are migrated to fibre.
The regulator has developed a framework by which broadband services can be expanded across the country, partly through encouraging the use of DSL vectoring technology.
Telekom Austria, Magenta Telecom (UPC Austria, T-Mobile Austria), Xlink, Orange Austria.
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