2018 Czech Republic - Telecoms, Mobile and Broadband - Statistics and Analyses

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Last updated: 11 Sep 2018 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 112

Publication Overview

This report provides a comprehensive overview of trends and developments in the Czech Republic’s telecommunications market. The report analyses the fixed-line, mobile and broadband sectors. Subjects include:

  • Market and industry analyses, trends and developments;
  • Facts, figures and statistics;
  • Industry and regulatory issues;
  • Infrastructure developments;
  • Major Players, Revenues, Subscribers, ARPU, MoU;
  • Mobile Voice and Data Markets;
  • Broadband (FttP, DSL, cable, wireless);
  • Mobile subscribers and ARPU;
  • Broadband market forecasts;
  • Government policies affecting the telecoms industry;
  • Market liberalisation and industry issues;
  • Telecoms operators – privatisation, IPOs, acquisitions, new licences;
  • Mobile technologies (GSM; 3G, HSPA, LTE, 5G).

Researcher:- Henry Lancaster
Current publication date:- September 2018 (17th Edition)

Executive Summary

Czech regulator preps for 5G-suitable spectrum auction in early 2019

The Czech Republic has a sophisticated telecom market which over the years has attracted investment from a number of major European telcos. The incumbent telco O2 Czech Republic remains the dominant player though alternative operators are gaining market share, partly through organic growth and partly though merger and acquisition activity. The company has secured marginal revenue growth in recent years despite the gradual customer migration from fixed-line to mobile networks for voice and data services. The company has transitioned itself to face these market challenges, having split into separate divisions and created the CETIN unit to manage the fixed and mobile networks while also operating as a wholesale network provider.

The mobile market is showing steady growth though there remain concerns that the market is insufficiently competitive. The government in 2017 amended the Telecommunications Act to improve pricing for end-users which market competition could improve from 2019 if the regulator succeeds in attracting a new market player when it auctions 5G-suitable spectrum.

All MNOs telcos have focused on growing revenue by marketing mobile broadband and other value-added services such as mobile content and applications. To this end they have invested in LTE infrastructure and technologies, while T-Mobile and O2 in particular are active in developing services and applications based on 5G.

Covering developments in the market and regulatory environment, this report provides insights into the evolving fixed-line telecoms and IT markets of the Czech Republic, offering statistics, profiles of the major operators and an assessment of infrastructure deployed. The report also covers the mobile market, providing an overview of the MNOs as well as developments in technologies and regulatory affairs. A range of market and company statistics provide an insight into the state of both the mobile voice and data markets, as well as the performance and strategies of the key network players. In addition the report reviews the fixed and fixed-wireless broadband sectors, profiling the key players, assessing access platforms and market trends, and providing broadband subscriber forecasts.

Key developments:

  • O2 expecting half of its broadband services to be delivered by fixed wireless by 2020;
  • Vodafone acquires UPC Hungary from Liberty Global;
  • Regulator preps for 700MHz auction in 2019 for 5G services;
  • Wireless broadband remaining popular;
  • Broadband subscriber base shows steady growth;
  • T-Mobile CR launches home LTE broadband service;
  • T-Mobile to close 3G services by 2020;
  • Report update includes the regulator's annual report and market reports to March 2018; telcos' operating and financial data to Q2 2018; recent market developments

Companies mentioned in this report:

T-Mobile Czech Republic, GTS Czech, Èeské Radiokomunikace, MobilKom, BT, ÈD-Telematika, ÈEZ ICT Services, UPC Èeská Republika, O2 Czech Republic, Vodafone Czech Republic, Nej TV, RIO Media, Nordic Telecom (MobilKom, U:fon).

Henry Lancaster
September 2018

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