Last updated: 20 Jan 2014 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 59
Analyst: Henry Lancaster
Publication Overview
This report provides a comprehensive overview of trends and developments in Greece’s telecommunications market. The report analyses the mobile, internet, broadband, digital TV and converging media sectors. Subjects include:
Key developments:
Wind Hellas and Vodafone network sharing agreement; 2G spectrum refarmed for 3G and 4G use; 9000MHz and 1800MHz auction results; LTE services launched; EIT increases stake in ForthNet to 44%; economic crisis continues to affect telecoms revenue and investment; deregulation of the retail market for fixed-line calls; regulator reduces prices for handling NP requests; Vestitel builds second fibre-optic link between Greece and Bulgaria; OTE signs three-year wage deal in bid to save cash; Cosmoline’s WiMAX licence withdrawn; economic crisis stalls national FttP project; steady rise in digital satellite subscriber base; regulations ratified for in-building fibre ducts; EC presses Greece to facilitate broadband network access; six telcos negotiate for national open access FttB network; OTE sells its majority interest in Hellas Sat; regulator’s 2012 market review; telcos’ operating and financial data to Q3 2013; market developments to January 2014.
Researcher:- Henry Lancaster
Current publication date:- January 2014 (12th Edition)
Executive Summary
Despite market liberalisation, some areas of Greece’s telecoms market remain relatively underdeveloped. The fixed-line incumbent OTE continues to dominate all sectors though the telecom regulator has shown increasing success in promoting competition, with local loop unbundling deployed to deliver competing fixed-line services. Promoting competition in the telecom sector was one of the EC’s conditions for Greece’s financial bailout over the last few years. The report introduces the key aspects of the Greek fixed-line telecoms market, outlining the regulatory environment, assessing the major players and providing relevant operational data and financial statistics for the operators and the market.
Broadband penetration in Greece is developing rapidly following the incumbent’s promotion of services and improving competition based on regulatory mandated network access. Increasing broadband uptake and deployment of faster ADSL2+ networks has in turn supported the launch of IP services such as broadband TV. Digital TV services are available via IPTV, satellite and Digital Terrestrial. An increase in internet usage by the broader population is fostering an internet society, with notable developments in the public administration (e-government) sector. Covering these topics, the report offers an insight into Greece’s broadband and digital media markets, presenting overviews of key technologies and market developments, a range of data, and broadband forecasts to 2020.
Greece has a well-developed mobile market characterised by high SIM card penetration. The market is dominated by the three mobile network operators Wind Hellas, Vodafone Greece and OTE’s Cosmote. Tariffs have fallen in recent years as a result of competition and regulatory mandated reductions in MTRs. The recent auction for renewed licences in the 900MHz and 1800MHz bands provided €380 million for the cash-strapped government as well as additional capabilities for MNOs to expand mobile broadband. These operators are focussed on growing revenue through developing the mobile data sector, for which they have concentrated investment in network upgrades for HSPA and LTE. The search for growth has also led Cosmote to pursue merger and acquisition activities in lesser-developed markets within the Balkans region. The struggling Wind Hellas in mid-2013 arranged a network sharing deal with Vodafone by which both operators hoped to cut costs, though Vodafone will not share its LTE infrastructure. The report provides an overview of Greece’s mobile market, covering regulatory and market developments, and the latest financial and operating statistics of the key players.
Data in this report is the latest available at the time of preparation and may not be for the current year
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