Peru - Broadband and Broadcasting Market - Background Report

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Last updated: 14 Jul 2011 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 11

Analyst: Lucia Bibolini


The Internet was introduced into Peru in 1992 by the Peruvian Scientific Network – Red Científica Peruana (RCP), a small non-profit organisation created in 1991 with funds from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with the aim of promoting access to Internet information resources for all Peruvians. At that time, RCP was just a network of schools, universities, and non-profit associations (hence the name ‘scientific network’). In reality, much of the success of the Internet in Peru can be traced to the innovative plans of RCP.

The cabina pública phenomenon was initiated in 1995 by José Soriano, a Peruvian journalist and the founder of RCP. With the idea of helping towards the country’s development, RCP offered free demonstration classes giving step-by-step instructions on how to set up a cabina pública.

Cable TV started in Peru in 1989. The first company to launch services was TC Siglo 21, followed by Cable Mágico and Cable Express. Cable Mágico quickly grew to become the market leader.

This report provides background information for the more regularly updated Peru - Broadband and Broadcasting Market - Overview, Statistics and Forecasts. As such, it covers details on the history and development of Peru’s broadband and broadcasting market that are absent from the more up-to-date report, but it does not contain a broadband market analysis, forecasts, or statistics.

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