Optus - Uecomm Limited

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Last updated: 8 Jan 2008 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 7

Analyst: Paul Budde


Uecomm is a high bandwidth data specialist providing dark fibre services and converged solutions such as VoIP. The carrier is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Optus. Uecomm operates as a fibre broadband carrier delivering data and Internet services to corporates and government departments. It also provides wholesale bandwidth to other telecommunications carriers and service providers – it leases wholesale capacity over networks in Perth, Adelaide and Canberra. Uecomm owns and operates local access fibre optic networks in CBD and metropolitan Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Gold Coast. Agreements are also in place to deliver data connectivity internationally. Uecomm is upgrading on its core network, systems and processes towards full carrier-grade Ethernet which will support triple-play services for the corporate market. Please note that this report contains some out-of-date material, which will be updated shortly.

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