Lithuania’s small telecoms market is among the more advanced in Europe, particularly given the universal access to LTE infrastructure and the extensive fibre footprint. Operator investment has been focussed on fibre broadband and mobile network upgrades. Fibre is now by far the dominant fixed broadband platform, with the number of DSL and cable connections in steady decline.
A number of alternative operators offer services although the incumbent Telia Lithuania remains the dominant player in the fixed-line and broadband sectors.
SIM card penetration is relatively high for the region, with a growing proportion of subscribers being on higher-ARPU contract plans. While LTE services are available nationally, operators have made steady investments in 5G, with Telia being the first MNO to launch a commercial 5G service earlier in 2022. By March 2023, the company’s 5G network and by March 2023 provided 95% population coverage. Bite was the last of the MNOs to launch 5G, doing so in February 2023 and complementing the operator’s existing fixed-wireless 5G service.
The regulator has helped the network operators to develop 5G by allowing them to repurpose spectrum in the 2.1GHz and 2.4GHz bands. After some delay, the regulator in mid-2022 completed auctions of spectrum in the 700MHz and 3.4GHz bands. Service obligations on the licensees include the provision of services to the five main cities by the end of 2023.
Total revenue from the electronic communications sector increased 5.4% in 2022, year-on-year, showing the fastest growth since 2016. Revenue growth in the mobile sector was driven mainly from mobile broadband services.
This report provides an overview of Lithuania’s fixed-line telecom sector. It includes a variety of statistics from the regulator and the main players, as well as an overview of regulatory developments and telecom infrastructure. In addition, the report reviews the highly developed mobile market, covering the major operators, regulatory developments, mobile technologies, and services. The report also offers a wide range of statistical data on the fixed and wireless broadband markets, including subscriber forecasts.
Telia Lietuvos (Telia Lithuania), Bité Lithuania, Vinita, Balticum TV, Tele 2, Cgates.
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