Brazil - Mobile Market - Background Report

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Last updated: 12 May 2011 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 15

Analyst: Lucia Bibolini


Brazil’s fiercely competitive mobile market hardly slowed down even during the economic recession of 2001/02 or the global financial crisis of 2008/2009. Prepaid mobile services have been available in Brazil since October 1998, after Anatel formalised the process with the publication of regulations governing prepaid technology. Prepaid cards have had a big impact on the Brazilian market, and all mobile operators provide the service. In August 2007, the government approved regulations governing the rights and obligations of mobile users and operators. The measures, implemented in February 2008, included obligations for operators to reimbursed incorrect charges on mobile phone bills at double the value. This report provides background information for the more regularly updated Brazil - Mobile Market - Overview, Statistics and Forecasts. As such, it covers details on the history and development of Brazil’s mobile market that are absent from the more up-to-date report, but it does not contain forecasts or statistics.

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