Last updated: 18 Oct 2017 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 22
Analyst: Henry Lancaster
The use of radio frequency spectrum provides a diverse range of telephony services. Voice and data services are delivered via equipment based on a range of technological standards and utilising radio resources in a number of spectrum bands. Potential users of the spectrum have conflicting requirements, and not all of these are accommodated by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).
Greater spectral efficiency has been gained through digitalisation and technological improvements, along with increased use of interference mitigation techniques to facilitate spectrum reuse. Internationally, mobile broadband and data services have been boosted by the release of spectrum in the 700MHz bands as countries switch from analogue to digital broadcasting. In Australia, part of this ‘digital dividend’ spectrum, between 694MHz and 820MHz, was auctioned in 2013, and the main licence winners Telstra and Optus have been able to make use of the concessions since January 2015.
In addition, the ACMA completed the auction of spectrum in the 1800MHz band in February 2016. These licences are aimed at accommodating LTE in regional areas and satisfying continuing demand for high-end mobile data services.
The ACMA in 2016 also detailed proposals to licence spectrum in a number of other bands, and to continue to reconfigure existing spectrum to facilitate services in a bid to keep pace with data demand and to prepare the market for services based on 5G technologies.
This report assesses radio spectrum used for wireless and mobile telephony services in Australia. It details spectrum ownership and usage by network operators, and reviews regulatory developments with respect to services using radio spectrum based on GSM, WiMAX and Ultra-Wideband technologies. BuddeComm covers spectrum auctions and older developments in our other reports.
ACMA reforms spectrum allocation in the 800-900MHz band; auction for 1800MHz spectrum concluded; ACMA issues 2016-20 spectrum outlook report; Telstra closes 2G network, to be followed by Optus and Vodafone later in 2017; additional spectrum bands considered for mobile broadband use; report contains details on planning, sharing, re-farming, licensing.
Telstra, Optus, AUSTAR, unwired, vividwireless, NBC, VHA.
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