Last updated: 20 Aug 2010 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 7
Analyst: Paul Budde
The Telstra results were not well-received by the market. However, they came as no surprise to BuddeComm, as we have been predicting this for some time. The company has finally embarked on a serious transformation process and this will take a few years. During that period revenues could further decline or, at best, remain static. Margins and profits will most certainly fall as the company embarks on a serious competition drive.
However, it has now clearly set its eyes on the future and, with clear goals in mind, will move in a far more focussed direction; under such circumstances Telstra is a force to be reckoned with.
There are two separate issues here. How will the company perform in the transition period over the next few years, during which time revenues and profits will remain under pressure, competition will be fierce, and users will be less loyal than ever before? And how well will the company perform in the new areas it needs to develop within a totally changed environment? We report on the first positive signs in this direction.
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