Last updated: 18 Jun 2012 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 8
Analyst: Paul Budde
Ever since David Thodey took over the reins at Australia’s largest telco Telstra has embraced the new direction being taken by the telecoms industry, based on a ubiquitous, robust, affordable infrastructure that can be used to lift telecommunications into the next stage, where the business opportunities will be rather different from those of the past. This is the brave new world of internet media, Internet of Things, where a range of new industry sectors will take centre-stage. These include healthcare, education, energy, commerce and media.
Telstra’s transitional process clearly shows that it shares the vision that has been developed around the national broadband network (NBN). But not only that, the company is now emerging as a leader in the industry – putting its new approach into practice, with a focus on the customer, innovation and new business opportunities.
This report analyses the next stage in that process, which was announced in mid-2011. It also provides an analysis of the company’s $800 million investment plan for cloud computing and analysis on the October 2011 Telstra shareholder vote for the NBN.
Companies mentioned in this report include – IBM, Microsoft, Google, Apple, HP, EDS, Macquarie Telecom, Optus
Hot topics and technologies mentioned in this report include – Infrastructure, wholesale, retail, trans-sector, Internet of Things, minutes of use, subscriber numbers.
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