Last updated: 29 Oct 2015 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 35
Analyst: Paul Budde
Significant progress has been made within the industry in relation to the deployment of smart technologies that, over time, will create a smart national grid.
The past five years have seen confusion, resistance and the lack of a strategic approach towards a holistic policy aimed at creating a smarter energy structure that could reduce energy usage by 30%-40% without having a major impact on people’s lifestyle, just by being smarter. All of the electricity companies are now involved in the implementation of smart grids – a process that will take a decade, or perhaps several decades, to complete.
Overall some $200 billion will be invested in the national energy structure (not just smart grids). The first results from projects such as Smart Grid, Smart City indicate that the results greatly exceed expectations; the same applies to companies involved in the smart meter rollout in Victoria. However a holistic government policy continues to be the key to success, rather than the current hotchpotch of policies. Energy is heavily influenced by government regulations and unless that is sorted out it is difficult for the industry to develop cohesive strategies that will see a more comprehensive approach towards a smarter energy system for the country.
This report gives an overview of the major players in the Australian smart grid market and related projects.
ActewAGL; AGL Energy; Aurora Energy; Ausgrid; CitiPower and Powercor; Endeavour Energy; Energex; Ergon – Nexium Telecommunications; Essential Energy; Horizon; Hydro Tasmania; IBM; Jemena; Network NSW; Powerlink; SA Power Networks; SP Ausnet; Telstra; Transgrid; United Energy; Western Power
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