Australia - National Broadband Network - Roll outs Historical

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Last updated: 22 Aug 2016 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 20

Analyst: Paul Budde


Between 2009 and 2012, NBN Co designed the architecture for a national FttH network. Legislation and contracts were completed in 2012 and shortly afterwards the rollout started, based on a ‘rolling’ three year plan. The election of the Coalition government in 2013 resulted in a political review. As a result the FttH plan was abandoned and instead a so called Multi Mix Technology (MTM) solution was introduced. This will see the continuing use of both the copper and the HFC networks.

However, the government had to honour existing contracts that had been signed under the previous government including the initial 3 years of the FttH roll out.

Under the new scheme, FttH will connect 26% of premises by 2020, while a further 44% will be served by FttN and the remaining 30% of will receive services via existing HFC networks. Using this approach, the government anticipated that 91% of premises connected to fixed-line infrastructure would receive 50Mb/s by 2020.

This report provide an overview of the FttH roll out between 2010 and 2013. It also covers general information on the FttB (Basement) roll outs in multi dwelling units.

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