Last updated: 14 May 2013 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 12
Analyst: Paul Budde
NBN Co was launched in August 2009 NBN Co as a government business enterprise (GBE), wholly owned by the Commonwealth of Australia. It is overseen by ‘shareholder ministers’ – the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy and the Minister of Finance and Deregulation.
The purpose of the company is to build a nationwide, wholesale-only, high-speed, open broadband network. Since its inception it has been selecting technology and designing the network and systems, as well as developing a wholesale product offering.
In its original plan under the previous government, the company would connect 93% of homes, schools and workplaces to an optical fibre network (fibre-to-the-premises – FttP), providing high-speed broadband services to Australians in urban and regional towns. The remaining 7% of premises will be connected to an LTE-based fixed wireless network, and this includes the very remote ones who will be linked to a satellite network.
With the arrival of a new government the original plan will be replaced by what they call an ‘Optimised Multi-Technology Mix’. While details of this plan are slowly emerging it won’t be until later on in 2014 before the extend of the changes are becoming g clear.
This report also provides financial and operational information regarding NBN Co’s corporate plan, including forecasts covering the three years from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2013. The plan outlines the original plans for the competitive pricing for wholesale broadband, including a basic service offering with a uniform national wholesale access price.
Further developments of the company under its changed direction are updated in a separate report: Australia - National Broadband Network - NBN Co 2.0
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