Last updated: 14 Dec 2009 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 6
Analyst: Paul Budde
The fact that more than 1,000 people applied to participate in the government’s recent Broadband Forum Realising Our Broadband Future which was planned for 250 people, showed the enormous interest there is in Australia in the trans-sector concept behind the NBN. Unfortunately ultimately only 400 people could be accommodated, including representatives from senior government, community and business, who spent two full days discussing the key trans-sector issues.
The Forum interaction resulted in a wealth of information being shared which will now be used by the government for the follow-up planning of the NBN. A key outcome of the Forum will be the coordination of these trans-sector services and their alignment to the NBN, and a full report on this is expected in approximately six months time.
In the meantime a range of issues which were discussed at the Forum were taken home by the individual decision-makers, and these will no doubt be taken into account with their planning in relation to their own participation in the NBN. Everyone left the Forum enriched by the discussions between the representatives of the various sectors. This report summarises the key discussion points and outcomes.
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