Australia - National Broadband Network - Analyses 2009 - 2010

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Last updated: 12 Jan 2011 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 6

Analyst: Paul Budde


The Australian Labor Government’s election win of 2010 was at least partly due to the National Broadband Network policy. It was proof that the Australian people do understand the importance of the National Broadband Network as essential infrastructure for a range of social and economic developments.

While there is certainly a query about the $36 billion price tag, this did not deter the majority of the elected parliamentarians from supporting the concept. However the election and its focus on the National Broadband Network now also offer opportunities to finetune the plan, and significant changes to its details are expected to be made during 2011.

However, the concept remains intact and the developments that have been initiated will now go full steam ahead. It is unlikely there will be serious threat to the National Broadband Network before the next election, as by that time it will have grown into one of Australia’s largest infrastructure investment projects ever.

The various analyses give an insight into the steps which have been taken during 2009 and 2010.

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