Australia - Industry - The state of the industry mid 2006

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Last updated: 2 May 2006 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 7

Analyst: Paul Budde


Telecoms in Australia have reached a crossroads. Sound government policies are in place and Telstra has introduced several visionary plans. However, instead of taking advantage of the resultant synergy, the industry is undermining it through endless bickering and regulatory game-playing. There is now a clear way forward that should be taken. Sufficient momentum exists for progress, with or without Telstra. For politicians, being the representatives of Telstra’s major shareholder, value is to be gained from forward-thinking policies that need to be implemented immediately, in order for the country to benefit financially from T3. If they don’t do it, the next shareholders will insist on these changes so they will profit from the increase in value.

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