Last updated: 23 Oct 2018 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 85
Analyst: Phil Harpur
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the major fixed broadband service providers in Australia: Telstra, Optus, Vocus, TPG, Macquarie Telecom and Vodafone Australia.
Telstra is Australia’s largest telecommunications provider offering a full range of telecom services throughout Australia. Telstra’s mobile network is well-positioned to offer superior services to those offered by the NBN company. Furthermore, through its national Wi-Fi and fibre backbone networks it can rapidly offload any heavy broadband traffic from its mobile network onto its fibre backbone.
Optus is Australia’s second-largest telecommunications carrier and second-largest mobile operator. The market position of Optus has not changed all that much over the years. It has been the number two telco in the Australian market since its inception over twenty years ago.
In Australia TPG has the largest data network and voice network after Telstra, the largest fully converged voice, video and data IP-based access network in regional Australia, and the largest voice-enabled IP network. TPG is set to become the fourth Mobile Network Operator in Australia.
Vocus is a telecommunications provider offering a range of ICT solutions for ISPs, Telcos and enterprises across Australia and New Zealand including broadband, fibre, data centre services, and Unified Communications. Vocus merged with M2 Communications and acquired Amcom. While the TPG/iiNet merger brought two similar companies together, and as such potentially reduced the number of players in the market, the Vocus/M2 merger brought two different companies together – one operating in the business market and one operating in the retail market.
Macquarie Telecom is an integrated telco providing a full range of hosting, data, voice and mobile services to the business and government market to over 2,000 corporate and government customers.
During early 2018 mobile network operator Vodafone began expanding its NBN fixed line service from Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Wollongong, Newcastle which were launched in the year prior.
Telstra, TPG Telecom, iiNet, AAPT, Pipe Networks, Soul, Comindico, Vocus, M2, Nextgen Network, Amcom, Optus, Alphawest, Virgin Mobile, Vodafone, Macquarie Telecom, PowerTel.
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