Last updated: 7 Feb 2012 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 12
Analyst: Paul Budde
The plan for the national broadband network (NBN) allows the government to use this infrastructure as a catalyst for a range of new services that will transform both the economy and Australian society in general. These include e-health, e-education, smart grids, digital economy and digital media. However at present the funding arrangements for these sectors are silo-based, and trans-sector policies need to be developed to maximise the transformational opportunities of the NBN.
To build a sound business model for the NBN these other sectors need to be taken into account as key areas in the delivery of social and economic benefits to the country. The government indicates that the NBN is a nation-building project and that it has a clear national purpose – it will become a social highway.
This report provides the background information needed to properly develop the government policies and business strategies needed to reap those social and economic benefits. With the right vision this will see Australia taking a global leadership role in the development of new businesses – and indeed a new industry – based on the combined features of the NBN: affordable, ubiquitous, robust, high capacity and low latency. This will involve both connected people and other connected elements (Internet of Things).
Digital economy; trans-sector; Internet of Things; e-health; e-education, e-government; smart grids
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