Last updated: 10 Jan 2011 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 7
Analyst: Stephen McNamara
Free-to-Air television has been the dominant mass communication medium for many decades but the industry is now facing challenges from a number of fronts. The Internet has become increasingly entertainment-based where broadband is available and broadband penetration is predicted to continue to rise steadily over next few years.
The penetration of digital TVs stands at 32% of Australian households. The cost structure of the pay TV industry has become more sustainable and the industry has reached profitable territory. With respect to radio, although its advertising base is growing, the medium is losing share to other sectors such as TV. Crucial changes are likely to occur with respect to the advertising model employed by FTA and pay TV firms as consumers shift to digital viewing standards. Digital viewers will, in the future, enable FTA and pay TV to utilise targeted advertising.
This report was archived in 2009 and contains background information on the state of the industry in 2009. Statistics and recent information are available in separate reports: see
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