2013 Australia - Mobile Broadband Market

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Last updated: 24 Jun 2013 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 119

Analyst: Paul Budde

Publication Overview

This annual publication provides the reader with a thorough overview of the mobile broadband, mobile data market and the mobile media market in Australia as we moved into the 2013/14 year. The publication provides important analysis of the market and trends in usage, developments, revenue, mobile internet content and provides information on the developments of the various mobile network operators.

Topics covered include:

  • Mobile broadband – statistical overview;
  • Mobile broadband – forecasts,
  • Market issues;
  • Mobile media – statistics,
  • Providers, apps, portals and mobile TV;
  • Handset market – including smartphones.

Researchers:- Paul Budde, Kylie Wansink, Henry Lancaster
Current publication date:- June 2013 (13th Edition)

Executive Summary

Mobile Broadband setting the scene for future telecoms developments

Australia – Mobile Broadband – Statistical Overview and Forecasts

Mobile broadband access using the 3G and now the 4G/LTE networks has continued to expand as users add tablets, modems and phones to use alternative communication methods and cloud-based services. In the past year growth in mobile broadband numbers across Australia has begun to slow down, after previously seeing exponential growth rates.

Uptake of new services and mobile advertising is extremely difficult to track and forecast, but BuddeComm predicts mobile data revenue may approach $7-$8 billion in 2013.

The release of additional 4G networks and increases in capital expenditure by the mobile network operators will see increased market penetration of the availability of these 4G/LTE networks. The MNOs will be expecting a greater return on their investments, but BuddeComm expects an annual growth rate of around 3%, with ARPU continually falling as market pricing drives uptake.

In mid-2013 there are around three million 4G devices active on the two LTE networks that are provided by Optus and Telstra. When Vodafone, the third mobile network operator (MNO), activates its 4G network many more tens of thousands of users will be able to access 4G services. As more and more mobile broadband connections come into use in Australia the contention ratios of 3G and 4G services will also continue to rise.

There are now more than 12 million Facebook users in Australia and many of these use data-intensive graphics as they share images and files across the networks. So at times the networks become data-saturated with the MNOs continually chasing the data explosion with added capabilities in an effort to reduce their overall costs.

This report provides an overview of the mobile broadband market in Australia, including usage statistics, ARPU across operators, industry estimates and forecasts, and analysis of key market trends. The information is provided in text, tabular and easy-to-read chart formats.

Highlights of the report:

  • Mobile Media Providers – the report provides information on the major mobile media providers and the services they offer in relation to mobile content.
  • PSMS Portals and Apps – this market is being increasingly replaced by apps and pushed back into its core market of gaming, adult chat services and horoscopes.
  • Mobile TV – we provide an overview of the mobile TV market in Australia, with analysis of marketing strategies; some background information is also supplied on the technologies and players behind the service.
  • SMS – the report gives an overview of the mobile data SMS market in Australia, including SMS usage statistics and analysis of key market trends.
  • M-Banking and M-Payments – by 2015 it is expected that m-banking will overtake online banking in the number of transactions done electronically.
  • Smartphone, Tablet and Handset Market – the report provides statistics, trends in handsets and an overview of the market. Information is also given on mobile recycling and developments in the industry, including the rise of smartphone penetration. The information and data are presented in text and across a range of tabular and easy-to-read chart formats.

Data in this report is the latest available at the time of preparation and may not be for the current year.

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