Last updated: 26 Jun 2012 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 109
Analyst: Paul Budde
Publication Overview
In this report we provide an overview and analysis of the fixed and mobile broadband market including infrastructure statistics, major internet service provider statistics and information on the key providers. BuddeComm’s 2012 Australia Broadband Market - Overview and Statistics annual publication profiles key sectors in Australia’s broadband market.
This report also provides a statistical overview of the broadband market in Australia and includes an overview of the major network operators, wholesalers and retail service providers. The report also examines the developments in HFC networks, while the statistical sections of the report provide historical data as well as forecasts relating to fixed and mobile broadband usage, internet service providers and the business broadband market/sector.
Researchers:- Paul Budde, Stephen McNamara
Current publication date:- June 2012 (11th Edition)
Executive Summary
Australia is in a unique situation, where the government’s vision for the national broadband network (NBN) has received widespread support. The current stage of development is in progress and that includes fibre, satellite and wireless. These developments will bring faster broadband within the reach of all Australians by the end of the decade. The economic and social changes will be profound in areas such as e-health, smart grids and internet of things (IoT), as well as the businesses and individuals involved. The NBN developments are discussed in a separate publication.
In this publication BuddeComm profiles the existing fixed and mobile broadband by sectors – including business, residential, ADSL and HFC, as well as a whole sector overview.
In the businesses sector we see that by 2012 many businesses are now interested in IT applications, including video media and cloud computing.
Business broadband expansion continues, with many individual employees now also being connected to mobile broadband. These fixed and mobile developments are happening in parallel and are certainly mutually exclusive. Once faster speeds become more widely available we will see business use explode with the uptake of services such as software as a service, along with cloud computing, online interactions and media conferencing, all services that need high-speed broadband to succeed.
In the overview of the sector we provide key statistics and trends in relation to the Australian broadband market, and these are segmented by geographical area and the type of access technology. We also provide market share and access revenue statistics. In addition, segmentation by dial-up, fixed broadband and some wireless broadband is given in the publication. Statistical information is provided, including surveys by government departments such as the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
The internet service provider (ISP) market is profiled, including information on the recent ISP takeovers that continue to dominate the industry. While the aim of the government is for more Australians to have access to more affordable broadband than is currently provided the telecommunications services to retail customers through retail service providers (RSPs) will open up to some and even additional players. During this process we are likely to see more consolidation in the ISP market, such as that which took place when subscribers moved from dial-up services to broadband.
In this publication BuddeComm also presents overall statistics of the residential broadband market. We provide an analysis of the drivers behind internet adoption among Australian households, with data from a number of market surveys covering consumer usage and behavioural patterns, as well as internet and broadband usage statistics. The figures used here are the latest available, with some historic statistics for a comparison over time.
We also overview the retail fixed broadband market that is now dominated by a small number of companies, Telstra being the majority provider of services, with more than four times as many retail subscribers as the second-largest ISP, iiNet. The other top ISPs include TPG, Optus and with M2 (Primus) holding less than half the number of subscribers. ISP numbers are estimated to rise as the NBN rollout encourages even more service providers to enter the marketplace by providing the future services that the fibre-enabled NBN market will allow.
The rollout of the NBN is set to alter the hybrid fibre coax (HFC) landscape with the dismantling of most of the overbuilt areas and customers being shifted onto the fibre network. Most of the HFC networks currently operating are by the two major operators in Australia, Telstra and Optus. Parts of these networks were recently upgraded to DOCSIS 3 as a way of remaining competitive in the current broadband market. That strategy has seen numbers remain fairly steady over the past year.
But, while the NBN rollout may take more than five years to cover all the HFC network areas, BuddeComm believes that the probability of more subscribers taking up IPTV services, and of additional suppliers entering the IPTV market, is likely to result in HFC network use of cable TV diminishing as broadband usage increases.
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