Last updated: 21 Mar 2011 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 125
Analyst: Paul Budde
Publication Overview
This annual report offers a wealth of information on the trends and developments taking place in the digital economy and in the e-health, e-education and e-government sectors. The report analyses the issues surrounding the development and growth of these services. It includes global and national statistics.
Subjects covered include:
Researchers:- Paul Budde, Kylie Wansink, Stephen McNamara
Current publication date:- March 2011 (4th Edition)
Next publication date:- April 2012
Executive Summary
The National Broadband Network – based on structural separation of the infrastructure and service providers – is the ideal platform for a trans-sectoral approach to a range of services, including healthcare, education and other government services. However government policies are essential to enable these sectors to begin to deliver services such as health monitoring and trans-sectoral thinking. This will require a reallocation of budgets.
The Australian government is leading the world in trans-sectoral thinking. After the announcement of the National Broadband Network (NBN) in 2009 it introduced the correct policy initiatives to confirm its trans-sector approach. In order to build a sound business model for the NBN other sectors need to participate. The government indicated that the National Broadband Network is a nation-building project with a clear national purpose – it will become a social highway.
Initiatives are already being taken in the areas of smart grids, education and healthcare. Further action is anticipated, to ensure that the business that will be generated from these sectors can be taken into account within the NBN business plan.
E-health may become an area for the emergence of key killer applications that utilise truly high-speed broadband networks. The Australian government is at the forefront, linking the strategic trans-sector e-health developments to the NBN. Early diagnosis, post-treatment patient monitoring and aged care services are fields in which significant synergies may be found using applications provided to users at home.
With the financing of the public health systems in Australia becoming increasingly costly more effective use of web services for healthcare consumers offers an opportunity to lower costs. Widely available and cost-effective high-speed broadband infrastructure enables e-health consumers to benefit from advances in medical technology and medical services.
New private and public industry initiatives were launched in 2010, based on good government policies.
The digital world continues to influence the growth and development of e-education, with a number of trends emerging in this sector. Cloud computing is beginning to be implemented for use at an operational level, potentially reducing infrastructure cost and administration time. Mobile technology is also starting to be used as an educational tool, particularly by academic and healthcare organisations.
There is some evidence that, while the economic downturn has resulted in a decline in overall spending on enterprise training, spending on e-learning has grown, with more being directed towards this learning method than instructor-led training.
This report provides an overview of e-education and identifies key trends. A case study on Australia is provided as it demonstrates some interesting developments in relation to e-education and the NBN. The report also introduces the emerging concept of E-science.
Simultaneously, the capability of Internet services devoted to e-education is set to increase enormously over the next decade as well. With its large landmass and relatively small population Australia is an ideal market for remote education services. As such, Australia is home to many successful e-education service providers, as well as being a fairly important market for the services themselves.
E-government services have been widely available in many countries for a number of years now and the sector is beginning to evolve, with attention turning towards cloud computing, green e-government, mobile services and citizen participation.
The Australian government already provides citizens with relatively sophisticated e-government services and, as with education, the establishment of a fibre-based broadband network may see the government improve and broaden the range of web services for which it is responsible. Australia, therefore, is a fascinating and relatively advanced market for both e-education and e-government services.
This report provides broad information on e-government development and identifies the governments around the world that are leading the way in the use of these services. It discusses common applications and the benefits and barriers to e-government.
The report is designed to provide current observations which may assist investors, analysts and industry participants in making investment and business decisions.
Note: all $ are AU$ unless otherwise stated.
Data in this report is the latest available at the time of preparation and may not include the current year.
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