Publication Overview
This report provides 184 statistical tables relating to the overall Internet, broadband and convergence markets in Australia, including company operating and financial statistics. It does not include commentary or analysis, these being found in other BuddeComm reports.
For those needing detailed subscribers, revenues, forecasting and analysis on the Australian telecommunications market, this report provides essential reading and gives in-depth information on:
Researchers:- Phil Harpur, Paul Budde
Current publication date:- October 2008 (2nd Edition)
Next publication date:- October 2009
Executive Summary
This report provides 184 statistical tables relating to the overall Internet, broadband and convergence markets in Australia, including company operating and financial statistics. It does not include commentary or analysis, these being found in other BuddeComm reports.
Broadband subscriber growth in recent years has been driven by further strong uptake of ADSL subscribers, although recent growth has not been as strong as the previous two years as the majority of the market has now almost completed its transition from dial-up to broadband. Within the next two to three years, most Internet households will be based on broadband. However, it will not be until other broadband devices are available, over the next five years, that broadband will spiral beyond the Internet households.
Telstra clearly outperformed the rest of the market in terms of broadband access revenue growth in 2008, whereas Optus saw a significant decline in broadband access revenues growth, mainly due to a loss of off-net resale ADSL subscribers.
Because the rest of the world is progressing much more quickly (Australia is still running approximately 2 years behind its counterparts), Australia is losing out on competitive advantage. Furthermore, the Australian people are missing out on important lifestyle improvements. The key factor for this failure however, is moving from technology to affordability. While the technology has become available (ADSL2+), the price is too high for most current broadband users.
Although still in its infancy, VoIP will play a key role in broadband where it will also be linked with video communication. Its value could lie in developing further innovations linked to the social, value-added experience of voice calls.
It appears that WiMAX has now well and truly lost the battle to the 3G operators, with the mobile wireless broadband market presently booming. This will leave any future WiMAX operators to develop in niche markets only. By 2018, only 10% of mobile revenues will come from mobile voice and, furthermore, that will be based on VoIP.
The Internet media companies have led the field in shaping developments in this market over the past five years. Despite being challenged by the telcos, they have maintained the upper hand. In future the battle will be between the traditional media and new media companies. Although these are very much international players, there are growing partnerships with local partners. In Australia, the emphasis of discussion between these partners is slowly shifting from access to applications. Existing players such as telcos, banks, media, and retail will need to adapt to the new environment, while new players can start afresh in using the new opportunities.
The Australian Government is well aware of the importance of e-government and has shown leadership in developing online services. The benefits of e-government applications can include cutting costs and improving processes and information flow, but one of its primary aims is to improve customer service for citizens.
The Internet and associated Web 2.0 technologies have greatly increased the potential for, and quality of, remote education and the ‘virtual classroom’. Tele-education is becoming increasingly important in training health professionals in remote areas. In an effort to lower costs and provide training and education to a wider audience, corporations and universities are adopting e-learning solutions.
E-health is fast shaping up as one of the key killer apps on truly high-speed broadband networks. With new technologies greatly increasing the cost of healthcare, e-health is shaping up as a way to enjoy these advances at a more affordable cost.
Although the dominance of FtA television as a mass communication medium has been unsurpassed for many decades, the industry is now facing challenges from a number of fronts as incumbent broadcasters cling to their lucrative oligopolies. Digital FtA TV has been delayed due to its only offering better picture quality rather than expanded content, and this has been nowhere near sufficient to help drive digital TV. However, recent changes to media ownership and broadcasting regulations in Australia are likely to lead to further consolidation and cross-media ownership, and thus improved content.
Data in this report is the latest available at the time of preparation and may not be for the current year.
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