Last updated: 28 May 2008 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 137
Analyst: Stephen McNamara
Publication Overview
For those needing high level strategic information and objective analysis of Australia’s fixed broadband market in Australia, this report provides essential reading and gives in-depth information on:
Researcher:- Phil Harpur, Paul Budde
Current publication date: May 2008 (7th Edition)
Next publication date: May 2009
Executive Summary
Broadband is seen as being vital to both the economy and the community. BuddeComm estimates that it will add over $100 billon to the Australian economy over the next ten to fifteen years, by organisations that will use broadband as a critical element in their business model; in the distribution of their services to their customers; and as a communication, electronic marketing and electronic production tool. Savings in health care, education and energy needs to be added to this list.
All this requires proper planning and government and industry debates. Within the next two to three years most Internet households will be based on broadband. However, it will not be until other broadband devices are available, over the next five years, that broadband will spiral beyond the Internet households.
Because the rest of the world is progressing much more quickly (Australia is still running approximately 2 years behind its counterparts), Australia is losing out on competitive advantage. Furthermore, the Australian people are missing out on important lifestyle improvements. The key factor for this failure however, is moving from technology to affordability. While the technology has become available (ADSL2+), the price is too high for 60%+ of current broadband users.
Recent regulatory changes have also seen the ACCC putting its emphasis on facilities-based competition (ULL and DSLAMs) rather than on resale. This further undermines the position of not just the smaller ISPs, but also of the larger ISPs, like Primus and AAPT, which have significant numbers of resale customers. For more information, see chapter 1.2, page 2.
After having struggled for nearly a decade to get ULL implemented, it is rather ironic that the government has now proposed to close this level of competition with its National Broadband Network Request for Proposal. While the Minister recognizes the problem and has indicated that he will address it, there are currently no guarantees that the current ULL/DSLAM environment will be secured. Without any structural changes proposed under the RFP either, it is very much in Telstra’s interest to build as quickly as possible a new monopoly, this time based on FttN.
As it currently stands ULL and its DSLAM infrastructure will become obsolete once the FttN network is in place. It is most likely that this will happen in metro Australia within a very few short years. In regional areas the copper-based network will of course linger on for many more years, as it will be far more economically difficult to upgrade the infrastructure here. For more information, see chapter, page 62.
At the same time the government is fully aware of the effects that this will have on competition and it is more than likely that a compromise will be struck on the issue.
Key highlights
Broadband subscribers – market shares by operators – retail values – 2004 - 2009
Service |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 (e) |
2009 (e) |
Market share of category (mid-year) | ||||||
Telstra ADSL |
35.3% |
26.0% |
29.2% |
34.1% |
34.4% |
34.6% |
ADSL retailers |
37.7% |
50.0% |
50.9% |
46.7% |
46.9% |
47.1% |
Telstra Cable |
7.8% |
9.5% |
8.3% |
7.6% |
7.2% |
6.8% |
Optus Cable |
14.2% |
10.7% |
8.4% |
7.9% |
7.5% |
7.0% |
Other1 |
5.0% |
3.8% |
3.2% |
3.6% |
4.0% |
4.5% |
Total |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
(Source: BuddeComm)
Note: 1Other category includes other cable operators such as TransACT; fixed wireless broadband operators consisting such as Unwired and PBA and mobile 3G operators.
Data in this report is the latest available at the time of preparation and may not be for the current year.
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