New Zealand - Statistical Overview - 2010

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Last updated: 26 Nov 2009 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 6

Analyst: Paul Budde


It is obvious that the recent changes in the telecommunications environment have been hitting Telecom fairly hard. In 2010 its market share will have dropped by 5% since 2007. The biggest winner is Vodafone, which will see a 4.5% increase over that period; the other half percentage point went to the smaller players, while TelstraClear remained at a fraction above 10%. Telecom’s decline also reflects the condition of the market in which it is dominant – traditional fixed telecoms services. The traditional voice market decreased by 16% over that period, broadband grew by 14% (it is here that smaller players picked up a few crumbs) and mobile grew by 17%, with Vodafone taking the major share of that market. Looking ahead, while the worst might be over for Telecom it will still experience a few difficult years. Vodafone will now also be under more pressure.

While the others might grow, they are not going to have a major effect on the overall market. It will still be several years before any impact from the government’s Ultra-Fast Broadband Network plan could bring about a real change in the telecommunications sector. In this report we provide an over view of market revenue by major service historically (2006) and projecting into 2010, we also provide data market revenue historically (2004) and projections for 2010.

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