2019 Asia - Fixed Broadband Market - Statistics and Analyses

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Last updated: 5 Jun 2019 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 570

Analyst: Sebastien De Rosbo

Publication Overview

This market report provides a comprehensive overview of the fixed broadband segment of the telecom market across the various economies of Asia. It also provides country level forecasts for the 34 telecoms markets across the Asia region for their fixed broadband markets.

Researcher:- Phil Harpur

Current publication date:- June 2019 (20th Edition)

Executive Summary

Leading Asian Nations gain momentum in the Fibre-to-the-Home Market

Asia is arguably the world’s most diverse region with regards to its telecoms industry. The region contains a vast array of countries, ranging from those with highly mature and advanced telecommunications markets, that are world leaders in the move towards 5G and next generation fibre networks, such as South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan, to some of the poorest and least developed countries such as North Korea and Afghanistan.

The fixed broadband market across the entire Asian region continues to experience very strong growth. Fixed broadband penetration across the region has increased to well over 10% by 2019.

There is now increasing access to fixed broadband, both DSL, cable modem platforms and more recently fibre access which offer much faster speeds. Fibre-based fixed broadband services have taken on a major significance in a number of Asian countries and are shaping to define the fixed broadband market of the future.

From a global perspective, Asia continues to be a leading player, not only in the roll-out of broadband infrastructure, but also in promoting and applying the increased use of broadband to facilitate the digital economy. In particular, Asia continues to be the dominant player globally in the Fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) broadband market, with countries such as South Korea world leaders in this market segment.

While China leads the region’s fixed broadband market by virtue of its sheer numbers, some of the region’s smaller markets are setting the pace with policy initiatives, innovative infrastructure projects and the rapid expansion of online usage.

Fixed broadband penetration is expected to only increase moderately across Asia over the next few years to 2023, with the highest growth coming from the less developed markets such as India.

Penetration rates are never expected to reach the high levels seen in the more mature developed nations as developing nations have typically bypassed fixed line access and moved directly to mobile access.

BuddeComm’s “Asian Telecoms Maturity Index”, is an index (on a scale between 0 and 100) that measures and ranks the relative maturity of the telecoms industry in all of the 34 countries in Asia. This report provides a comprehensive comparison of the 34 Asian markets according to a number of parameters such as fixed broadband and mobile broadband.

Phil Harpur
June 2019

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