Smart Grids - An Incremental Process

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Last updated: 7 Oct 2010 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 6

Analyst: Paul Budde


Archived report. This report has been archived and is no longer updated. Progress has certainly been made in the development of smart grids, but because of its nature the concept continues to be ill-defined and rather fluid and this makes it difficult to develop firm plans of action. Smart grids involve several key elements – the grid itself, the consumer home energy network, and the facility to include and manage renewable energy and e-cars.

The electricity utilities started off with one of the smart grid elements, the smart meter, and that still dominates many of the developments. At the same time it does to a certain extent limit more truly ‘smart’ developments. And the focus is still very much associated with the traditional grid and the upgrading that is needed there.

The jury is still out on how smart grids are going to be developed. Will the industry lead the development of smart grids? Will it be government-mandated or will disruptive elements force changes in a traditionally risk-averse and slow-moving industry?

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