Last updated: 28 Jan 2020 Update History
Report Status: Current
Report Pages: 39
Analyst: Sebastien De Rosbo
The global telecoms sector is a unique and vibrant industry that is constantly evolving due to the new technologies and infrastructure which continue to filter into the market. The overall global telecoms statistics are impressive and BuddeComm notes that in 2020 there are around 7.7 billion active mobile broadband subscriptions worldwide, an enormous rise from 3.3 billion just 5 years ago, thanks in part to the deployment of 4G LTE. With mobile technologies dominating the telecommunications sector - there is little doubt that the intense focus on the potential opportunities offered by 5G will continue.
In 2020 there are over 1.1 billion fixed broadband subscribers globally – a rise from around 830 million in 2015; indicating there is still room for growth in the fixed broadband sector, particularly in the emerging markets and those transitioning to FttH.
Many operators around the world have experienced challenging issues in recent years and will embrace the improved services and opportunities offered by 5G and fibre-based broadband. The operators have faced problems relating to market saturation; rising competition from operators; disruption from OTT services; growing demands for increased bandwidth; regulatory restraints and in some markets there have been unfavourable economic or civil conditions. This fast-paced evolution for the telecoms industry is not over yet - with 5G now on the horizon.
The true impact from the deployment of 5G is still largely unknown, but if predictions are true - it will have both a positive and disruptive impact on our global telecoms sector. It will also be very interesting to observe the changes in global and regional telecoms statistics over the next few years - in terms of subscriptions, technology penetration, CAPEX, operator revenues and services.
This unique BuddeComm report provides a compilation of the many useful and important key telecom industry statistics at a global and selected regional level.
It includes recent and current industry statistics for the mobile, mobile broadband, fixed broadband and satellite sectors. It includes a revenue ranking of the top 10 public telecoms carriers worldwide (2018). It also includes statistics on overall telecoms CAPEX and mobile revenue through to 2020. It provides data on telecoms infrastructure market share by technologies (2018) and regional subscription data for the mobile sector (2019).
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