Israel - Telecoms Infrastructure, Operators, Regulations - Statistics and Analyses

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Last updated: 17 Nov 2016 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 29

Analyst: Kylie Wansink


In 2016 Israel possesses a well-developed telecommunications market characterised by high penetration and a significant number of service providers. Regulation remains the responsibility of the Ministry of Communication, which has been encouraging competition through various regulatory mechanisms. Several operators have been licensed to provide VoIP services, which are usually referred to as Voice over Broadband (VOB) in Israel. Fixed network operators are required to allow VOB licensees access to their networks. Telecoms incumbent Bezeq has traditionally dominated the fixed-line market, and only one company, cable TV and triple play provider HOT Telecom, had had success in gaining a portion of the fixed-line market. However, with the opening up of the fixed-line market to wholesale rental in 2015 – we are beginning to see alternative operators, such as Cellcom, begin to offer fixed services such as Internet, voice and television. This report provides an overview of the telecoms market in Israel and explores the key regulatory changes. For further information on Israel’s mobile, broadband and digital media markets, see separate reports.

Key developments:

Israel has a very high household internet penetration rate, almost all of which are broadband connections. There are three competing broadband platforms – the DSL and fibre network of fixed-line incumbent Bezeq, the HFC network of HOT, and the mobile broadband products offered by the mobile operators; a Net Neutrality law covers fixed line ISPs as well as mobile operators; the Ministry of Communications has introduced a fixed wholesale market including Bitstream Access, lease of access segments, dark fibres, tubes, and transmission services.

Companies covered in this report:

Bezeq, Bezeq International, Pelephone, HOT Telecom, HOT Mobile, Cellcom, 013 NetVision, Partner (Formerly Orange), 012 Smile, Xfone, Golan Telecom, Israel Broadband Company (IBC).

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