Global - Mobile - Spectrum

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Last updated: 12 Feb 2008 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 8

Analyst: Kylie Wansink


Archived report. This report was archived in 2009 and has not been updated since. Before 1990, it was only possible to use the UHF band and below, thereby limiting the speed of information transfer. Since then governments have released more of the high frequency spectra; allowing for major advances in technology and service. Spectrum auctions have become an increasingly popular way of assigning spectrum licences throughout the world, with the USA holding one of its largest auctions ever in 2006. Towards the end of 2007, the USA was granted the ability at the World Radio Communications Conference (WRC-07) to auction off the 700MHz frequency to new service providers such as Google, who has expressed interest in acquiring spectrum. Auctions took place in 2008. In Europe and other parts of the world the band 790-862MHz has been allocated to mobile telecommunication services, but not until 2015. This report provided an introduction to radio frequency spectrum, including spectrum auctions, with a focus on the USA and Europe/UK. The report also included brief analysis from BuddeComm on the topic of spectrum trading.

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