Last updated: 10 Nov 2009 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 10
Analyst: Paul Budde
Archived report. This report was archived in 2011 and has not been updated. After the vision comes the actual design and the roll out of the national broadband networks. Australia was the first country to get the (national purpose) vision right; thanks to government leadership. The USA soon followed and is now showing real leadership as well. The Netherlands and New Zealand are certainly also on the right track.
Economic innovation and trans-sector innovations are now key items on the political agenda of these countries. There is no silver bullet and each unique situation brings with it their own alternatives; which in turn assist everybody involved in such national projects, where ever they are. The vision creates social and economic strategies which need to be taken into account in the design and architecture of the infrastructure.
Pragmatic solutions need to be developed that allows maximizing the use of existing infrastructure and other resources. Un(der)served areas do need to get a priority and local communities and council can play a key role in this. Wireless broadband can play a key role here. These early project could also be an ideal testing ground for trans-sector applications.
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