Last updated: 10 Aug 2009 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 11
Analyst: Paul Budde
Archived report. This report was archived in 2010 and has not been updated since. The financial crisis has provided the stimulus for change. The fact that governments had to intervene sharply to keep the economies afloat is a clear indication that there is a need for them to be involved. The crisis is a unique opportunity to develop new policies, vision and strategies that allow us to move in a better direction, where investments are also judged within the context of social, environmental and economic benefits. If we are able to maintain the momentum of change beyond the crisis we will see that communications can play a key role in the recovery phase, at which point we can form new structures. Communications provides pivotal infrastructure for the emerging digital economy. Its benefits will be trans-sectoral. ICT (web 2.0) which will also provide more equal access to information and decision-making processes (which could prevent future derailments). The Internet and social media are leading the way here. In this report we are again inspired by the work of Professor Carlota Perez. A separate report is also available that discusses some of the high-level strategic changes currently taking place around the world, see Global - Economic Crisis - Strategic Developments for Comms during the Crisis.
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