Last updated: 11 Feb 2009 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 6
Analyst: Paul Budde
Archived report. This report was archived in 2009 and has not been updated since. The financial crisis has led to a major rethink on how the various political, social and economic systems operate. Instead of repairing broken systems new approaches are being developed, better-suited for the current environment. Telecoms investments play a key role in most economic stimulus packages. And with government involvement we can work on ways to use the telecommunications networks for the national good. A major requirement in new telecoms infrastructure is that they be based on trans-sectoral thinking, which will create a multiplier effect to benefit healthcare, education, energy and the environment, as well as commerce, media and communications in general. BuddeComm has been involved in generating government policies around open networks, structural separation and trans-sectoral developments on three continents. The report covers all these topics, to update readers on the significant developments that are currently taking place.
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