Last updated: 17 Feb 2010 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 20
Analyst: Kylie Wansink
Archived report. This report was archived in 2010 and has not been updated since. Europe and Asia have had the most dynamic IPTV markets over the past few years, but recently in the USA the telcos’ IPTV plans, on the back of their fibre deployments, have started to gather significant momentum. However on the whole, around the world, customers continue to be more interested in the web based broadband video applications rather than IP based TV. The economic downturn may also deter telcos from expanding their IPTV coverage over the next couple of years and subscriber growth could be curbed as consumers’ reign in their spending on luxury services. This report includes brief case studies of key markets and broad statistics and forecasts. For information on online video services over the web see separate report.
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