BuddeComm Intelligence Report - Smart Transport, Smart Vehicles and Drones

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Last updated: 11 Aug 2017 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 29

Analyst: Kylie Wansink


Development of Smart Transport technologies and strategies are well underway in many parts of the world. Smart vehicles in particular have become a very popular sector for innovation with not only the large car companies (e.g. General Motors) having a hand in this; but also, the Internet technology enterprises like Google and reportedly, Apple. While evidence of the potential of autonomous cars is slowly emerging; the progress of the many ongoing projects is kept as tightly guarded secrets. It is in 2020 that many of the prototypes are expected to be revealed.

Electric Vehicles (EV) are already having a large impact around the globe, with more than 2 million already estimated to be on the road. Western Europe and China are large markets for EV growth and development.

Drones, also known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), have opened up a new realm of possibilities as well as challenging current privacy, civil liberty, safety and air-vehicle use laws around the world. UAVs have many potential applications for the smart communities of the future – currently applying them in industrial inspections is a large growth market.

This report explores the developments occurring in the ITS sector including Electric Vehicles, Vehicle to Grid (V2G), autonomous cars and Unmanned Aircraft (drones).

Latest developments:

The consumer drone market is predicted to have significant growth between now and 2025; The first combinations of advanced driver assistance features became available in some 2016 vehicle models and offer semi-autonomous driving under specific circumstances; Globally, there are several Personal Rapid Transport systems using automated electric vehicles.

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