Last updated: 11 Feb 2013 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 15
Analyst: Kylie Wansink
Archived report. In 2013 the mobile market is being driven by a rapidly changing market led by consumer demand, handset saturation and the requirement for faster-speed technologies in the fixed- broadband market. Competition in the mobile sector is driving the mobile market to a lower dollar value return on a user basis. This is being compensated by more data use on a variety of mobile devices and growth in the emerging M2M market.
These changes are leading towards the shift to structural change become integral to the future of the mobile industry. BuddeComm regularly bring this issue forward, similar to the discussion in relation to the structural separation of the fixed networks, which we began just over a decade ago.
This BuddeComm Intelligence report explores the looming issues surrounding spectrum and mobile infrastructure with a case study on spectrum development in Europe. The report is designed to provide current observations which may assist investors, analysts and industry participants in making investment and business decisions.
The current developments in LTE linked to the growing number of smart devices; is speeding up the transformation processes; Africa is the region with the biggest remaining growth potential for mobile in the world; Across Europe, the UMTS Forum is calling for additional spectrum to be identified and allocated to support the growth in mobile data and close the gap between demand for mobile services and available network capacity.
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