Last updated: 22 May 2012 Update History
Report Status: Archived
Report Pages: 15
Analyst: Henry Lancaster
This report was archived in February 2013.
The significance of the internet in America, both at work and in the home, continues to grow unabated. In particular, the US is enjoying significant growth in digital media markets, particularly in areas such as search, social media use and e-entertainment. In tandem with this growth has been the steady development of the US digital economy, including significant growth in e-commerce and m-commerce. The increasing popularity of social networking sites and user-generated content sites were beginning to have significant flow-on effects in the areas of online retails sales and content delivery strategies. Indeed retailers and companies in turn are beginning to make strategic use of the features and tools specific to social media sites, prompting media analysts to talk of an imminent ‘social commerce revolution’.
AT&T; Verizon; Google.
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