Regional - Broadband - DSL in Europe - 2006

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Last updated: 16 Oct 2007 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 19

Analyst: Kylie Wansink


Archived report. This report was archived in 2006 and has not been updated. This report describes the broadband market in Europe, with a focus on DSL. The report provides in-depth analyses of the industry, country specific statistical information and a look at the various trends and developments. Since its introduction, broadband has been growing at an astounding rate. The early high growth in a small number of countries, has now spread to most other countries, with the early developers starting to show signs of saturation. Although cable still predominates in North America, DSL is much stronger in the rest of the world, and is also catching up against cable in the USA. Other technologies such as wireless and satellite are minor players. DSL is the most effective and economical route to global broadband deployment. The emphasis of the next phase of broadband is on increasing speeds which via ADSL2+ and VDSL eventually will lead to FttH. Singapore is talking about 1Gb services, Japan has already 5 million users on 100Mb/s services and other countries are following suit.

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