Bosni Telecoms Market Report

Telecoms, Mobile and Broadband - Statistics and Analyses

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Last updated: 9 Aug 2024 Update History

Report Status: Current

Report Pages: 154

Bosnia-Herzegovina’s 5G licenses not expected until 2026

The economic prosperity of Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) continues to rest with the country’s integration with the European Union, the block being the country’s largest trading partner and a source of considerable funds for infrastructure development.

The telecom market has been liberalised and a regulatory framework created based on the EU’s regulatory framework for communications. Although Bosnia-Herzegovina remains an EU candidate country, in July 2017 it applied amended mobile roaming charges to fit in with changes introduced across the Union. Further roaming agreements were made in 2019 and 2021 with other western Balkan countries

The market is characterised by three zones, each with an incumbent telco. The largest operator BH Telecom is the dominant provider, while Telekom Srpske operates in Republika Srpska and HT Mostar is active in Herzegovina. Together, these three incumbent operators control most of the market, though there is competition in the form of several MVNOs while in the internet sector there are 63 licensed operators. All three incumbents are subject to specific obligations designed to improve competition.

The fixed-line broadband network is comparatively underdeveloped, with the result that investments made in mobile upgrades by BH Telecom and Telekom Srpske are facilitating broadband connectivity in the country to a greater extent than is common elsewhere in Europe.

In the internet sector DSL and cable are the main platforms for fixed-line connectivity, though fibre broadband is making considerable gains. By March 2024, fibre accounted for 13% of all fixed broadband connections.

The three MNOs, each affiliated with one of the incumbent fixed-line operators, provide national coverage with 3G, while LTE coverage is about 93%. Their upgraded networks are helping to support broadband in rural areas where fixed-line infrastructure is insufficient. The launch of commercial LTE services was delayed because spectrum was not awarded until 2019. This delay has had knock-on effects with 5G. While 5G trials have been underway for some years, the MNOs are focussed on upgrading LTE network capacity, and the regulator has yet to formulate a 5G roadmap.

Key developments:

  • Regulator adopts a revised licence fee for 2024 of 0.75% of licensees’ revenue.
  • BC Partners enters into talks potentially to sell United Group’s unit in in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
  • Actis-led consortium acquires Telekom Serbia’s macro tower portfolio in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
  • Regulator renews mobile licenses for the MNOs.
  • Report update included the regulator's annual report for 2023 and market data to March 2024, telcos' operating and financial data to Q2 2024, Telecom maturity Index charts and analyse, recent market developments.

Companies mentioned in this report:

BH Telecom, HT Mostar, Telekom Sprske, LogoSoft

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