USA - Telecoms, Wireless & Broadband - Overview & Analysis 2007-2008

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Last updated: 26 Feb 2008 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 16

Analyst: Lawrence Baker


This report was archived 27 January 2009 and has not been updated. In 2007 and 2008 the US telecommunications markets continued to converge towards a triple-play model of bundled voice, TV and broadband data services. The Regional Bell Operating Companies, traditionally landline voice operators, became key providers of broadband through DSL and were poised to become the dominant broadband providers through their extensive fibre optic network deployments. Their high-bandwidth fibre networks also facilitated their entry into the IPTV market. The cable companies, traditionally TV providers, still retained their lead in the broadband market and had been making significant strides into the voice market with low-cost VoIP services. In addition, whilst traditional landline voice revenues continued to fall, wireless data revenues grew apace. Strategic joint ventures between wireless and cable providers, and expanding investments in WiMAX networks, began ushering in the dawn of quadruple play services.

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