Vietnam - Telecoms Infrastructure, Operators, Regulations - Statistics and Analyses

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Last updated: 1 Mar 2019 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 50

Analyst: Phil Harpur


As a communist state and a centrally planned economy Vietnam has undergone significant structural change over the years. The government has progressively introduced some competition into the market place, building what it describes as ‘a socialist oriented market economy’.

After peaking in 2009 the fixed line market in Vietnam has seen a significant decline. This trend is predicted to continue over the next five years to 2023.

Fixed broadband penetration in Vietnam remains low mainly due to a limited number of fixed lines and the dominance of the mobile platform. However, the market has grown strongly over the past five years driven by the FTTH market.

The digital economy in Vietnam has been flourishing. Initiatives to promote e-commerce throughout the country. The government has been the driving force behind the country’s move into the age of the digital economy.

VNPT is constructing a cable landing station for the Southeast Asia-Japan Cable 2 (SJC2) in Quy Nhon, located in the Binh Dinh province of Vietnam. The cable system will connect eleven landing sites in Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Taiwan, mainland China, Korea and Japan.

Data sovereignty is a key driver for local data centres. Indonesia, Vietnam and China are among the Asian countries tightening requirements to store citizen and consumer data locally for the purpose of data protection.

Key developments:

  • Management of VNPT and MobiFone has been transferred to the Committee for the Management of State Capital (CMSC).
  • The fixed line market in Vietnam has seen a significant decline over the past few years.
  • Data sovereignty is a key driver for local data centres.

Companies mentioned in this report:

VNPT; Vinaphone; Mobifone; Viettel; S-Fone; EVN Telecom; Vietnamobile, GMobile/GTel.

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